Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Good days make you realize bad things!

Spending an splendid evening with total strangers who were all really good friends with each other, I realized there is so much I am missing in my life. People generally have some really good friends with whom they don't mind sharing even the darkest secret of their lives. but still haven't found one such solace. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Past Present... Future

The present is never good.. is it?  We always manage to find something bad to make it worse. Always blaming bad luck and bad time for whatever happens in our life. Then one day it becomes a thin of the past. We are excited at first, then happy and calm for a few days, and then we start getting irritated with what is happening. We want to go back to the past again, hoping to relive those days, living the memory of times, when we emerged victorious from nowhere, times when luck favored us. It makes us feel good, and we seem to forget that it had made us feel much worse at an earlier point in life.
On the other hand, the future, it makes us shiver. We sometimes don't even want to think about it. The picture is still unclear as to what is going to happen. Will it be better than the past, or worse than the present. What we always search for, is a compromise in life. We can't really be happy with what is happening around us. And since we tend to believe that we have left the past behind us, it always gives sweet memories while the future will always give shivers down the spine.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Am I not normal?

Sometimes wonder if I am the only one who doesn't have what people call "close friends". Well I have a huge number of friends, but have not yet found those type of friends whose friendship I generally see everywhere on the internet. Maybe people don't trust me that much, that is why, I am never able to reach those standards when I try to befriend them. Or maybe, I am too engaged with myself for making good friends.
But I would like to have such friends. When I finished my Bachelors, I was pretty sure that I had found a bunch with whom I would live forever, people who would be raring to meet me, plan reunions, go for weird trips. But as time passed, they all got busy with their new friends, or older friends who were closer to them, and I passed into oblivion. And while I was running behind them, I found out that the new friends I could have made, they already had found a new bunch to hang out with and were reluctant to give me space. Now those are the people who go on trips and plan reunions.
I am no introvert! I do make friends easily, but tend to loose them more easily!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

As in the movies!

After I finish watching a good movie ( which happens almost everyday), I always seem to relate with the story of the movie. What would have happened in case it all happened to me in real life, and most importantly, how exciting would have been the journey to the climax. And anyways, in Bollywood, all movies have a happy ending only, so no need to worry about the climax too.
Life seems to be so perfect in the movies. The hero has the guts to get out of his comfort zone and do what he likes, propose the girl he dreams of, switch careers by choice and even then be successful; that is why he is called a Hero I suppose.
What could have happened if I had the power to choose any movie and plan my life accordingly!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Kai Po Che!!

Meethi boliyaan

This is one song which has been giving me goosebumps since its release. It automatically takes me to my world of dreams, to a world which I always wish to love in. I lived in such a world for some time 2 years back. But nothing, you know, is perfect. I had to leave that world hoping to get something better. While I am getting better things, that world, is what I miss more and more. Its something which I wonder I will ever get back!
You don't easily get people who complement you so well! Now I understand, if I ever get such people back in life, I am never going to leave them again, for whatever else life might have got for me. Ready to face all sorts of hardships for such a life just once more, because I am going to grasp it with both hands and never going to leave it again!