Friday, May 31, 2013

Dreaming about the city of Dreams

The city of Gardens, you have deceived me for 6 years now. I sometimes tend to believe that I did engineering so that I could have a chance to live in the city of gardens.There is something about the city that
has intrigued me since I was a child. The greenery, the technology, the crowd, the temples; i don't know exactly. I even tend to think about the meekest job, the bleakest possibility or opportunity I get to reach Bengaluru, but it always evades me in the end. Whenever I have been to Bangalore, I seem to have enjoyed my stay there. I don't know when I am going to get a chance to get there but surely I am going to grab the opportunity with both hands.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sad Frustrated Irritated!!

I couldn't get an admit in any of the colleges I had applied to.  I had resigned from my job for this. Now I am sitting totally jobless, not knowing what to do in future. Sometimes I feel that life tends to teach me lessons the hard way. The first step towards anything I try always tends to be misplaced. But is it life that teaches lessons to someone the hard way or is it the lethargic ways we treat our own life in.
I have always had this problem with myself. I tend to take for granted every new thing I start in life, be it a career goal or a friendship/ I tend to get bored easily. In other words, my saturation point in reached easily. I used to think earlier that it happens with all of us but now things seem to differ. People have matured. They have started taking their career seriously,their goals seriously, they even take people seriously. Is it a kick they suddenly get some day suddenly, or is it time which teaches it to them. Both the scenarios seem to be untrue in my case, I haven't received a kick yet nor am I maturing with time. And if life is trying to teach me a lesson, I seem to be very bad at it and have not really grasped anything yet. I can just wait for the bad days to end and some bright days to start.