Thursday, December 26, 2013

From reality to the Virtual world!

In the past few days, I have realized (just like I realize every few months) how a fast internet connection on your laptop, and a warm cozy room, can occupy all of your time, with you doing nothing but just sitting in front of the laptop, looking at random weird stuff. You don;t seem to get bored of any of this. And you never understand the reason, why! Time just passes by, and you only regret later about what you seem to have missed.
I want to write something good since a long time now. Every night I sleep, promising myself that I am going to start with it as soon as I get up the next morning. I do get up early too, but as soon as I turn on the laptop, I enter an altogether different world. The world of virtual reality, A world where everything is controlled by the tip of my fingers!
Even at this point of time, while I am typing, I so much want to get back to that world, where I can be the hero whenever I want, I can just click the cross button if I start to loose. A world where I can take a peek into any other person's life and stay there till whenever I want. Its a world where there is nothing called privacy. Well, there is privacy, actually a lot of it, but you know, you have got a lot of options too!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The never ending world of pictures!

That unintentional click of the camera while sitting in class or on a beach, the planned click to capture the moment when India won the world cup, the click to capture someone's happiness, and then the click to capture the daily life. I now understand why clicking a photograph is called Capturing images. These images have the power to take you back in history, especially the people involved. You tend to start reliving those moments temporarily, feel the rush inside you, the goosebumps.  You are excited about the surprise the next picture will bring, also you have just remembered what the previous photo was about, but the current photo, you are trying to recall what this one is about!
Suddenly, with the next click, this photo comes up, with an old friend you haven't talked with for a while. What is he up to now, you are curious! You think of sending a message to him but you haven't talked in years!
I have never been a fan of clicking or posing for photographs. It just makes me wonder about the moments which might have just gone into oblivion now, moments which I can't even remember now. Wish I could get all those moments captured but its too late!
Pictures don't move, they don't even speak, but they make you smile, and cry too sometimes!
I was thinking of tagging several people in this post, but then let them realize the importance of the captured moments when they themselves look at them. So if you happen to read this post, pick an album, or go to your social networking page you used some 3-4 years back and relive some moments again!! Those classrooms, those hostels, those random trips with friends, and all those festivities.

Life at a German Hospital!

So, I had never been admitted to a Hospital before, nor did I want to be admitted to one in recent future. But as it turns out, things had been planned differently.
In Germany, unlike India, you don't get medicines without a Doctor's prescription. This made me visit a doctor for being prescribed for a simple nasal infection (which I am sure would have cured by itself in Indian conditions). A few hours wait to see the doctor, would have been worth getting some medicines for free. But things unfolded quite differently from what I had planned. The doctor somehow saw some accumulation in my nose on its way to damage my eye (Yes eye! Does it feel serious now!).  He now wanted to operate it that very day, because he was very concerned :P.
Making things short and simple, I was admitted to the hospital, and operated on the very day (the story about the operation can be explained in a different post altogether). When I opened my eyes, I saw myself getting some infusions, and some sort of weird white mustache on my face. So now, my life at a German hospital had started for the next few days!
Everything regarding your health is covered by an insurance in Germany, so you need to pay literally nothing, except the meager charges for your stay at the hospital. It all actually turned out to be a leisurely and boring holiday for me inside the closed premises of a huge building with a lot of food, television, and a lot of people (doctors and nurses) to take care of you.
 The food, I now realized why the Germans are so tall, strong and healthy. Its because of the quantity and not only quality of food they eat. An Indian can't really finish a full lunch which a German has. And as I would say, what I was having was Hospital food, and not a typical household food, you know what I mean. Depending on choice, one can have a 4-,5-,6-course meal on his wish! But yes, unlike where we come from, the Germans don't have a concept of dinner. They have, what is called an Abendessen, which they finish by 6pm, and that is more like the evening snacks we have in India. And to top it all, they go off to sleep by 9pm.
But during this boring stay at a Hospital, I met a lot of people around. The different types of people in Germany, the lazy ones, the curious ones, the ones who always had a smile on their faces, the slightly rude ones (which might be due to their professions). I don't speak German well. So I was initially very terrified at the thought of staying at a hospital and making a fool of myself. But it turned out to be otherwise. I saw the friendly nature of the people here. They were always ready to help, raring to talk to me (although they didn't know English), never forgetting to say thank you and take care. These small things which we take for granted, are taken very seriously in Germany, and says a lot about the people here.
I can write a lot more about the hospital, but now I need to finish what I missed during that lazy week!!