Saturday, November 2, 2013

No need to tell them!!

I have this bad habit of sharing with people, everything that happens in my life. I often get impatient  if I don't find anyone to hear me out. Its a weird, depressing feeling if you may understand.
But whats the need to tell people what is happening in your life? Is anyone even remotely interested? Would they love to spare some time to hear what happened to you? I Don't Think So.
Those who long to hear or actually know what happened to or with you, will apparently manage to find it some way or the other. Those who are not interested, are never going to understand it anyway, whatever number of times you try, they won't understand.
So do whatever you want to do, do it with all your might, and all the happiness inside you. You don't need to do it to tell or boast about it later, to others, because people are busy, they are not interested, and just like you, they have a lot of The Other Stuff on their minds to look into.

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